How You Can Help
The Veterinary Care Foundation
The Veterinary Care Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable foundation created for the specific purpose of helping veterinary practices fund the care they generously provide to hardship cases, rescue groups or as good Samaritans.
Unlike other veterinary charities, 100% of every contribution to the Veterinary Care Foundation and its member practices go directly to improving the quality of life of pets and their people; all Foundation operating expenses are met by membership dues paid by veterinarians.
All donations are tax-deductible.
Where Do Your Donations Go?
Owners/caretakers in financial distress
Good Samaritan Cases
Local animal rescue organizations
Pets in need of life-saving care
Foundation funds are intended for the following use:
- Funding for Good Samaritan cases
- Assist pet owners in financial crisis
- Care for police/fire and service animals
- Provide support to pets of families in crisis
- Funding for pets harmed or displaced due to local disaster (such as weather, fire, etc)
- Other charitable purposes at the practice’s discretion
In addition to funds earmarked for individual member practices; funds may be donated to support the Foundation’s overall mission. Distribution of these funds will be determined by the Veterinary Care Foundation Advisory Board.
Funding recipients must have a treatment plan and estimate from Animal Hospital of Sussex County and demonstrate that all other payment options have been exhausted including personal finances (credit cards and care credit), donations from family and friends, and additional fundraising efforts.